Protect Your Teeth From Sugar
Leaves are changing, pumpkin spice flavors abound, and sweater weather is here - it’s spooky season!
Whether you and your little ones are getting ready for a night of trick or treating or you’re just taking advantage of discount candy in bulk at the grocery store, chances are you’re caving in to your sweet tooth.
There’s nothing wrong with indulging in the sweet treats of the season — pumpkin-shaped Reese’s cups are only available for a limited time, after all. But it’s important to keep in mind that sugar can have lasting effects on your body, especially your teeth!
What is Sugar?
Sugar, also known by its chemical name “sucrose”, is a carbohydrate that is produced naturally by plants during photosynthesis. Sugar is naturally found in fruits, vegetables, and nuts.
Carbohydrates are a type of macronutrient that help provide energy for your body.
Why is Sugar Bad?
Sugar isn’t bad for you by definition. However, there is a limit to how much sugar is recommended. For example, if you get about 10% of your daily energy intake from sugar, this is considered moderate.
Too much sugar, especially processed and refined sugar commonly found in candy and other snacks, can lead to health problems including obesity over time.
Why is Sugar Bad for Your Teeth?
Tooth decay is closely linked to sugar intake. Studies have demonstrated that there is a linear relationship between sugar intake and tooth decay.
Sugar is a molecule that attracts bacteria. So while it’s not the sugar itself doing the damage, sugar acts like a magnet for all the other nasty stuff that can live in your mouth.
When bad bacteria is attracted to your teeth by sugars, a chain reaction starts taking place. The bacteria produce an acid when they come into contact with and subsequently consume the sugar on your teeth.
Acid, in short, is bad for your teeth. Acid breaks down the protective coat on your teeth, called enamel. This process is called demineralization.
Over time, demineralization leads to cavities, small holes in your teeth caused by decay. Without treatment, cavities can become deeper, cause pain, and even possible tooth loss in extreme cases.
How To Prevent Damage from Sugar
Luckily, it’s pretty easy to prevent sugar from causing harm to your teeth!
The first step is to limit your intake. Treating yourself on Halloween won’t immediately cause your teeth to fall out, but consistently eating more than the recommended daily sugar intake will eventually do some damage.
Another way you can prevent sugar from damaging your teeth is to brush your teeth regularly. Brushing your teeth helps remove sugar, food particles, and other potentially harmful substances from your mouth.
A high-quality toothpaste can give you an additional boost to up your oral care game. Products like our toothpaste that include CBD are especially helpful due to cannabidiol’s naturally anti-bacterial properties.
Happy haunting!